Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Glance, Not to be, Deep thoughts

The Glance

A casual glance reaches her eyes
Opening momentarily a window into
The life of a perfect stranger

Entering into her space
Even if only for a second
My mind plays a game
Of past lives and future dreams
With the unsuspecting partner

Romance and love live
For a few moments
In the fantasy fields
Of the mind and heart

Steal another look
And another
Before the invisible touch of attention
Summons her defenses

Too late ...

Her eyes shoot back a glance
Speaking a language
More powerful than words;
I know your game,
And your gig is up.

Not To Be

I've felt that emotion before
So the heart says to the head
But the head says no
It is not to be

The hands say yes
But the fear says no
The air smells sweet
And clouds replace the ground
but the head says it's time to go

The feeling is so familiar
Any yet something isn't right
The heart says yes
but the head takes flight

Deep Thoughts

Deep thoughts slow down
the essence of being,
unwinding the driven clock
that ticks our lives away

Sharing the journey within
provides respite and solace
to a lucky pair who
can reveal their inner souls

Connections of the mind
are footpaths to understanding
for it is the journey of two
that creates true meaning

So come with me on this
most pleasant of journeys
take my hand and wish the world away
as we discover the inner beauty
locked deep within our thoughts

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